Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Life: Change


Life goes on, does it not? We all live on, every step, every breath, every second, is our lives. Time may seem to go so slow, but in reality it goes so fast. It only seems yesterday I was at highschool. Yet at the same time, it feels like such a long time ago.

But things change, people change, you learn, you live. I was talking to Myky today, about the past, and the present. It honestly only seemed like yesterday that I was at school, talking to her, hanging out. Now I barely get to see her. But things have changed, things are different.

Whether we realise it or not, whether it's intentional, or not, we all change, some how. We all, live on.

I remember having a conversation with Rica. We were a couple at the time, talking about life, talking about the future, we would always say "dont change, I love you the way you are". Now we all know that didn't pan out, we're obviously no longer together. But we did change, yes indeed. We travel such different paths, and we're such different people. Well, at least I am.

Change is not always bad, change is a part of us, it is who we are. But at the same time, change is brought upon by our past.

I hate my past. I was just, so terrible. But my past experiences are what made me who I am today. 

My past consists of being an outcast, a social reject, being teased. I've always felt this feeling of isolation, just wanting to fit in. I was jealous of those who had it better than me, those who were popular, or attractive. But it made me who I am today. I made a choice to become a better person, to prove those people who picked on me wrong. I was fat, I was helpless, I was picked on, even at church of all places.

But I guess, it's those things that made me want to prove people wrong, and change. But I didn't do it for them, I did it for myself.

Sometimes change is intentional, sometimes change just happens.  But just remember, that no matter what changes, or what stays the same, it's who you are. Maybe you're not happy with yourself.. but if not, do something about it? The important thing is to be content with yourself, and be your own person. Friends come and go, relationships come and go, but in the end, you want people to like you, or love you, for who you are. Not for the person you're pretending to be.

Don't expect everything to stay the same, change is inevitable, even if you try to stop it. We all grow from experiences, we all grow more mature. We learn, we adapt, we change.

Change isn't bad, nor is it good. Change just exists.

Andre Liu.

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