Friday, June 14, 2013

Emotion: Stress


We all hate stress. The feeling of the anticipation, the anxiety, the.. well, stress. Obviously I haven't been blogging lately due to exams, and stress, so FUCK IT. Lets blog about it.

Stress is helpful in many situations, both mental and physical stress is what pushes us to our limit. Think about how much we all have been studying for the past few days, think about how much we really can push ourselves. Situations arise, stress arises, and in the end we get done what needs to be done. But, even then, it might not even be our limit. Technically we could study like this every day of our semester, we just choose not to.

When life stresses you, there's a reason. It's because that certain thing is important to you. Whether life, or physical challenges, or even exams. Stress arises when you have a goal to work for, to avoid it is to avoid having goals, which means.. avoiding progress.

Stress is an experience, it's a tool our minds use to help us grow, being under stress, the reasons for it. It's all there for a reason. Without it, life would be more comfortable, sure. But not necessarily better. Stress from situations in life, from exams, hell even physical stress, has made me a better person, and will continue making me a better person. But god dammit it's a fucking bitch. Learning from life experiences will change the way I approach situations in life, academic stress will always remind me to do better next semester, and physical stress has torn muscle fibers to make me more muscle.

need more gains.

ANYWAY, LOL. My point is, uncomfortable =/= bad. Life will always throw you stress, feeling stressful is a bitch but.. it's essential. We will all learn, grow, become better people, or perhaps just change.

soldier on people.

Andre Liu.

Stressed as fuck. 

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