Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Life: Choices


Everyday we make choices, we make decisions. Through these things, we pave our path in life. Every decision, every choice, leads to different parallel universe, in stems from another, and another.

But pondering on these parallel universes do not matter, as they cannot ever intersect with our current present. The truly important thing is how exactly we make our choices, how we pave our paths, how we choose to lead our lives. Our decisions define us, they show who we are. Our choices, our decisions, they reflect who we are, as individuals.

Choosing a path is easy. Sometimes, knowing the right path, is very easy. The hard part is committing to a path, and sticking to it, no matter what the consequence. I'm not saying that sometimes compromise isn't necessary, it very well could be. But for the use of a very cliche line: Knowing the path is not the same as walking the path. 

I've been told many times that I should be a psychiatrist, because I give very good advice. People tell me their problems, I see the path they should take, I tell them about it. Its not as hard as people think, really.. But knowing their path the easy part, they need to be able to take the appropriate steps to improve themselves, or the situation. An outsider perspective allows situations to be seen a lot better, provided they have the correct information. 

I often come to situations in life where I think what the fuck am I supposed to do now. I can give good advice, sure. But do I follow my own advice? yeah I wish buddy. Maybe I see the path I should take, but choose not to. This situation is what many people come across when it comes to dilemmas, or when its time to make a decision.

For example, I can tell you exactly how to get a 7 in all your subjects. Easy bro, you ready? Study every night, 3 hours a night minimum, until your exams. Its true, it'll get you a 7. Will you do it? I doubt it.

So, how do you lose weight, how do you get fit? Very simple. Run every day, stop eating shit, go to a gym. I could go on, with all these situations.

Sometimes deep down we all know the situation, we all know how to improve ourselves, how to solve a situation, how to get out of a situation. Sometimes deep down, we ask for guidance, because we don't want to admit the facts to ourselves. We're scared of the truth, or maybe we don't have the balls to face reality, and do what needs to be done.

But, there are situations when we honestly do not know what to do, which path to take. Ask for advice, ask for opinions, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that! But remember one thing:

 Knowledge is power

You can ask for opinions, advice, but in the end, you know more about the situation than most. You know more than anybody else about whatever problem is going on with your life, so trust yourself to do whats best for you.

When you choose a path, make sure to stick to it. make sure you can commit to making things better, don't relapse. I mean, if compromise and change is necessary, then do it, so long as it's the right thing to do.

These are your choices.
These are my contemplations.
Andre Liu 

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