Wednesday, March 9, 2016

When Tracks Align.

Life is a journey, but rather than one singular path, your choices determine which path you take. There are times in life where, rather than walking a path, you are merely lost, and travelling forward in hopes that you find a path to follow.

Knowing where you want to be, and following the path to get there, are two very different things. Making decisions, making commitments, and standing by your convictions, are what will guide you to the path you seek. All you can hope for, is that you will maximise the chances of success.

Do not fear the prospects of greatness,
but rather the acceptance of mediocrity.

Life is a gamble. Maximising your odds is what keeps you ahead of the rest. Making choices, making compromises, choosing your priorities. It is the application of these that consequently provide the life you live today, the life you lived yesterday, and the life you make for your self tomorrow.

Don't have dreams, have goals. Reach for the stars, but do not simply touch the sky. Touch those stars that you seek. Grasp them with all your might. Make, live, love the life you make for yourself.

Naturally, one cannot simply continue forward in perpetuity. There will always be times where you feel lost, feel defeated, feel like nothing. But do not ever entertain the thought that you are nothing.

Always recover, always find your way.


Today, the tracks aligned, the path became clear, and is set to be followed accordingly. I'm confused whether to accept this as a small victory, or to understand this is merely the start of the journey. I am fearful for what lies for me going forward, uncharted territory lies ahead. I believe that today, a chapter of my life closed, and a new chapter has opened.

I feel exposed, knowing that I am at the bottom of the barrel, once again. I would like to be confident in my own abilities, but I also understand the limits to these abilities.

I fear that I will disappoint those who rely on me, and that I will disappoint myself. I do not fear the prospects of greatness, but rather the venture into the unknowns. Akin to the idea that I do not fear any altitude of height, but rather the fall.

There is nothing wrong with failure on the path of greatness. Simply get up, learn from your mistakes, and try again. But it would be ignorant to think that this failure cannot destroy your morale.

I don't know why I am so fearful.
But I hope I can get through it.

This is my life,
I hope that I don't fuck it up.

Andre Liu.

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