Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Life: Selfishness


The most instinctive human act is the act of selfishness. It is human nature to priorities yourself, above others. Even acts of selflessness, are justified by the logic that it benefit's the individual. Whether mother's instinct, or charitable acts, these acts of "selflessness" benefit the individual who preformed this act. To prioritise yourself is only natural, only human. There are no true martyrs. If you martyr yourself for a cause you support, it is still selfish, because in turn it will benefit that cause, which benefits you.

Priorities should always be yourself above others, and we all should accept that fact. The more you know, the more you understand, the more you can use that knowledge to your benefit. To act in selfish benefit is the smartest, most logical choice of all. We as humans should all strive for self improvement, self benefit. As selfish as that sounds, it is only human.

We are not bred to serve others. Yes, our acts do also benefit society, friends, or family. But, our acts benefit ourselves the most. Our lives are our lives, all we have is time. Without time, we have nothing, for we have died.

What is the point of this post, you may ask? It is due to the hype going around about the new year. Yet again the world has circled the sun, congratulations. Why should this be an excuse to better yourself.

 New year, new me.

This above statement is incorrect. A new year, does not mean a new individual. We all carry our past, our lives, our experiences, our regrets. Every experience is vital to furthering our goals, our ideals, our lives.  Why should the turn of a new year, be the stimulus to a change in our lives? Incorrect. Our own motivation, our own strive for greatness should be the stimulus for everything we do to benefit ourselves. Every single experience in our lives can be used to our benefit. We learn, we experience, we lose our naivety. 

Become who you want to become. Make every second count, not just every year. Look back, only to see how the future can be better. Look forward, only to see what to do now, to make that future true. Hold no regrets, hold no ties to the past. The past is over.

The future has yet to come.
But yesterday was once the future.
Today is tomorrow's past.
Tomorrow will soon be today.

Andre Liu.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Emotion: Uncertainty


How do you cure uncertainty? Sometimes you're just, at a stalemate. Logically, to amend uncertainty is to become certain, but realistically that is not always possible. Everything previously discussed in this blog combines into this topic. The topic of paths and parallel universes only is valid when an exact goal is established. But what about uncertainty? How do you choose a path in which a goal is not determined, but a decision you make is the split point between the two universes that can exist in your life?

Rather than cure uncertainty, instead how about a solution to uncertainty? But what is that solution, or rather, what is the most effective solution to this problem? Uncertainty is only truly present when pros, cons, situations, and consequences are all evaluated, yet still unable to solve that uncertainty. So, what are the possibilities to the solution of this uncertainty? What course of action is most effective? Is it to hold faith and follow a path, or try to avoid any path that deviates from your initial norms in the first place..

What do you do? What can you do...

Is every new experience always a good experience? Sure, maybe. If you consider it as a filter of emotions and experiences that will overall enhance your life. As a filter of which will give you understanding of what you want in life, in the end yes, all experiences are... not necessarily good, but rather beneficial.

But at the same time, sometimes you can want to avoid deviation from norms, because at times, consistency can be the most efficient way of progress. At this split off point, at this fork in path, you hold your future in your hands. Of course, just like any choice, you are unable to stay at that fork forever.  To progress you must move forward

For once, I am unable to finish this article with a decisive solution. Unfortunately, just like the title of this post, I too am uncertain. I guess I will just have to figure this one out.

These are my uncertainties.
These are my contemplations 

Andre Liu.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Life: Paths


As we live life, there are parallel universes that run along side our current universe. I'm not talking about a physical universe, but a hypothetical universe, and everybody explores these universes in their minds by asking "what if" or saying "I should have".

Life takes us places, which are all defined by our choices, lifestyles, and our situations. What if I had done better or worse in high school? I could have been on my way to being a lawyer, or.. I could be at QUT, or Griffith, which would have changed so much. The people I wouldn't have met, the friends I wouldn't have made, the experiences I wouldn't have gone through. But instead, they would have been replaced with different people, different experiences, and a different life.

This exploration of different universes can not only be explored through past decisions, but current and future decisions that must be made. Our world, our life, is determined by the path we choose to take. You can always decide what you want, but you cannot decide outcomes. We can only choose the path that leads to our desired outcome, but not the outcome itself.

Sometimes, if you want something you have to fight for it. But the difficulty lies in both choosing and following the path. Following a path can be confusing, but ultimately you must evaluate whether it is worth it to stay on the path you took, or if it is the smarter, or more efficient choice, to take a new path.

We don't always get what we want, we cannot control outcomes, but we always stay in control of our own choices, and which path to walk. This is the way I choose to live my life.

I live my life whilst considering a multitude of factors.

  • What do I desire
  • Which path leads to that desire
  • When is it acceptable or worth it to deviate from this path
  • Will I regret the path I chose

I always try to live my life with no regrets, that is one of the most values I hold dear to myself. It is my life's goal. I cannot achieve this goal, but I can constantly strive for it.

This is how I see life.
This is how I live life.

Andre Liu.